What is Red Pill Philosophy? Really

AI Applied
3 min readMar 13, 2021


We need to get this straight…

Day 01

For a while now, I’ve been watching YouTube videos and reading content by people hoping to redefine the ways men carry themselves in everyday life.

Recently, I watched a video by someone I’ve followed for quite some time now.

At some point during the video, he goes as far as to give thanks to the Lord for red-pill philosophy 🤣🤣… But is red-pill? Really

A Growing Idea

If you listen and accept what others tell you is alpha and just believe it, you’re just taking in other people’s opinion, which isn’t alpha.

One of the things about this kind of information is that it is always growing, and so many people present information in their own way. However, they all have some core concepts in common and this is what we will discuss in this article.

Start Living Actively, seize Passive Living

You need to seize living in the background of your life immediately!! What I’m trying to say is that you HAVE TO TAKE CHARGE of your life. Do you ever hear yourself say;

Ahh… well… I’ll just watch the Arsenal game (instead of doing this important thing that actually makes your life better)


Huhhh… I’ll just go cool it down with some Porn


Huuhhh…. Man, let me just go to social media

or — I’m sure some people say…

Man… let me just go take alcohol…

This is really, really bad. These actions, seemingly simple, every time you do them, are actually COMPLETELY DESTROYING your life.

The Compound Effect

15 minutes a day can teach you a language. What can 15 minutes of Instagram do? — Duolingo

All the large companies at the moment are focusing on psychological tricks to obtain success in their goals. The idea is to get you to do something, everyday, for a given period of time (although short), such that their app, website, program or system becomes part of your life.

These people understand the importance of CONSISTENCY. One of the largest truths about life, the most successful form of existence, is that anything is possible given time and consistency.

You ended up spending your whole day on Facebook? — How often did you visit it the days before? Was there a gradual increase in your time spent?

You ended up watching that totally disgusting type of Porn and now you totally hate yourself? — How often have you watched other stuff in the last couple of months? Has there been a general trend towards where you are today?

It is completely true that human being who find themselves in the presence of a compounding problem often realize only two phases; The day it started, and the day it got so bad that they had to ask for help. Very often we don’t see the escalation.

This very moment, you need to make a stand for yourself. Decide to start pursuing the things you actually want for yourself, you will not regret… you must not regret.

Making changes is hard, but as a man, you must move, carefully… and steadily… towards your goal. No matter what!!!

This is red-pill knowledge, take it in: Usually, the right thing is hard to do, that’s why it’s right in the first place.

Alright, that’s it from me today, I will publish this article, however I will continue to work on it tomorrow… Let’s have today’s prayer, a prayer is simply something you say to yourself to give you emotion to act correctly, you don’t have to be a believer.

I am strong, I do what is right, I do what I believe in. Even when it’s hard… Hard is part of the good in it…



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